Breathable Packaging for Preservation of Lily Bulbs
Lily bulbs have a shorter shelf life in stores compared to other flower bulbs, posing a challenge for retailers. Quality issues usually start from late March to early April, while sales last until the end of April or early May. PerfoTec has addressed this challenge by developing an innovative consumer packaging that represents a breakthrough for the preservation of lily bulbs. This solution has extended the shelf life of lily bulbs in stores by up to six weeks, allowing consumers to plant lily bulbs until June and enjoy their bloom.
Dried-out or moldy lily bulbs, or bulbs that sprout while still on the store shelf, are a problem for retailers. If the bulbs do not bloom at the customer's home, it can lead to complaints and, even worse: customers staying away. This is not always the fault of the retailer; often, the storage at the customer's home is far from optimal. Bas van der Velden, the general manager of Kapiteyn BV in Breezand, and Paul van de Loo from PerfoTec have joined forces. Using knowledge from the packaging industry for vegetables and fruit, they have designed packaging that significantly improves the shelf life of lily bulbs, even after sale.
The seed for innovation was planted high in the sky when Jan Kapiteijn of Kapiteyn BV and Bas Groeneweg of PerfoTec met on a transatlantic flight. There, between clouds and the world, they shared a vision to address the issue of rapidly aging lily bulbs. Van der Velden recalls, “They discussed strategies to prevent premature germination, mold, or drying out of bulbs at the point of sale. This was the start of an important research trajectory.” With financial support from a regional subsidy in North Holland, the project began, and now, four years later, we celebrate a successful conclusion. It was important that the results would be shared with the entire sector. Van der Velden confirms, “We are happy to contribute. If the quality of products on the shelf improves, the entire sector benefits.”
Paul van de Loo from PerfoTec says, “Micro-perforation technique was already part of our expertise. We have now extended this technique by developing a film material that also offers optimal moisture and CO2 permeability.” His expertise, gained with vegetables and fruit and packaging flowers for postal dispatch, has led to this innovation. For lily bulbs, a redesign of the film was necessary. “Each bulb type has its own breathing pattern. After four years of intensive research into these respiration processes, we now have the knowledge to optimize our film for various products," explains Van de Loo. This has resulted in a packaging technique that adjusts the amount of oxygen based on the weight, allowing the number of laser micro-perforations in the film to be precisely determined. Specifically for lily bulbs, it was important to minimize sprouting. “We achieve this by reducing the oxygen supply while keeping CO2 levels in check. Bulbs need to breathe but at a controlled slower pace. This extends the lifespan and improves shelf life,” The new film regulates the exchange of CO2 and water vapor, reducing the risk of mold formation.
The new technology has significantly extended the shelf life of lily bulbs, with an additional six weeks of durability in the store. Where lily bulbs in traditional packaging were already subject to quality loss by early April, the new technology now guarantees an extended display period of six weeks. This means that bulbs, previously affected by premature germination or mold, can now be sold in optimal condition until the end of May. This is not only a win for the consumer, who can enjoy fresh bulbs for a longer period but also for retailers who now have a longer selling period and for exporters who suffer less loss due to spoilage.
Since sustainability was also considered, Van der Velden and Van de Loo looked for a compostable variant of the film. Van de Loo: “A successful result that we consider a valuable addition to our research,” Thanks to this progress, there is no longer a need for peat or sawdust in the packaging of lilies; the new film regulates moisture and prevents mold growth. For lilies, the product is now ready. They are already looking at other products, such as perennials. According to Van de Loo, this requires different solutions. “A perennial of, say, eighteen grams becomes lighter over time in the packaging, and we saw mold formation. The solution was to reduce the oxygen in the packaging, so now we add nitrogen when packaging. We have adjusted the micro-perforations in the film and to limit moisture loss we use a film with a strong water vapor barrier. This approach was successful with the most challenging products, and now it's time to test the entire plant assortment.”
Kapiteyn BV and PerfoTec have successfully utilized a combined subsidy scheme for their collaborative project. This SME innovation project has received financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Kansen voor West II program, and the Province of North Holland. The primary goal of this subsidy is to significantly accelerate the speed at which SME innovations enter the market.
To share the successful innovation and the benefits of the new packaging solution with the industry, there will be an open day at Kapiteyn BV in early February 2024. Interested parties are welcome to attend this day and get a close look at the technology. For more information or to confirm your attendance, please contact us at info@perfotec-backup.jouwnet.app.